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Maine Moose Hunts

Maine’s Moose hunt is by lottery only. On-line applications are released each January and the drawing is held in June. Our lodge is on the border of zones 19 and 28. Our moose hunts cover zones 18, 19,  and 28. If you are fortunate enough to draw a once in a lifetime Maine Moose permit, and are


Maine Moose Hunt

picked for one of these zones, don’t miss your opportunity to score a big bull with us.


Maine’s Moose hunt is a split season with one week in late September and the other in October. Eastern Maine produces some of the biggest racked bulls in the state. The habitat is ideal for Moose with the generations of wood cutting operations in the area. Our guides know all the current Moose hot spots and will save you precious time scouting. Eagle Mountain’s biggest bull to date was 957 lb field dressed with a 53” spread .


You and your sub-permittee will have a dedicated guide and will still hunt for your moose. Your experienced Maine Guide will work to call in a bull. There’s nothing more exciting than hearing a big bull respond to a call on a frosty morning in the big woods of Maine.

Guided Moose Hunts


If you have never hunted in the big woods of Maine, we recommend our guided hunts. The guided hunt includes a guide, 7 nights of lodging for you, 3 meals a day, transportation to and from your pre-scouted hunting area, and retrieval of your trophy.


Semi-Guided Moose Hunts


This hunt is for anyone who has all the necessary equipment for hunting and extracting your moose from your hunting zone. This hunt includes 7 nights lodging for you including 3 meals per day. We are conveniently located and have access to zones 18, 19 and 28. Master Maine Guide, Matt Whitegiver will personally go over the recommended hunting areas with you to insure you are in the right area for a successful hunt, and ensure you know where your zone boundaries are. He will direct you to pre-scouted areas and offer suggestions on where to go in, where to call from, what time of day to call, and how to hunt the area. He will also be available each night at dinner time for a daily consultation on your hunt.

Tel. 207.537.5282  I

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Master Maine Guide
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